Thursday, August 09, 2007


Do you have a child who is difficult to get ready in the morning? Who drags himself around? Are you always running late? Well I have the opposite child.

We are early people in general. For the most part people can be catorgized as early, late, on-time or inconsistent. It has been my experience that you can not change late people into early people. You can lie to them to get them their on time but you can not change them. (I could do an entire post on this and maybe I will later.) Late people, after they have kids, usually become very late people. So as early people we tend to be places before everyone else and spend a lot of time waiting on the late people in our lives. Our children are early people, too, and this is good.

This morning we were running a little behind getting out the door because Thursday is the day we get the house ready for our housecleaning service (hate me later). The kids and I were running around finishing various chores. At the last minute my daughter came back in the house to use the bathroom. So we left the house at 7:32. What this means is we had to sit through the redlight between us and the school (1/2 mile away) 4 times. I assured my son that he would not be late. You are not tardy until 7:50. He had a panic attack in the backseat waiting each time for the light to change and each time seeing that we would have to wait another time to get through. (Our side of the light is uphill and any large vehicles usually take more than there share of the time to get through.) I dropped the kids off at 7:44am.

My son can not stand to be late to school. He does not have to be conjoled into getting ready in the morning. In fact, he generally gets up before I do and as he doesn't need to shower is ready long before me. He is usually eager to get in the car and go and has to wait on me and his sister.