Saturday, August 04, 2007


My dieting got away from me this summer. I was very fortunate for the first month or so to be maintaining a comfortable weight. Then my eating got a little out of control. Because the kids were home I found it difficult to exercise. And slowly the pounds crept back on and the scale numbers were registering higher. I told myself it was time to get serious and last week made a half-hearted attempt to get back on the wagon. Thursday morning I was baking cookies and what started out as a nibble became a full-day of binging that left me unsatisfied and disappointed with myself. Friday morning the scale registered I had gained weight. So now I am motivated. School has started, so no more excuses about exercising. This morning before work I went out at 6:45 and walked the neighborhood (and I'm not a morning person!). I'm trying to drink more water and give up on the late night junk food. I'm blogging about it to have some accountability. I lost 15 pounds over a 6 month period and I was really proud of myself. So proud, in fact, that I deceived myself into eating anything I wanted. And then into eating everything I wanted. So I've gained 6 pounds of it back. Gasp! My goal this time is to lose beyond the previous loss. I'm hoping for 10 pounds.