Friday, March 23, 2007


I just finished reading Mercy by Jodi Picoult, author of My Sister's Keeper (which I reviewed here.) It is very unlike the previous book. The underlying theme of the story is that in a marriage one partner loves the other more. In otherwords, if the sum of your love for each other could be measured, one of you would love more than 50%. Relationships, it points out are rarely 50/50 but usally 60/40 or even 70/30. This is an interesting thought to ponder. The basic storyline also asks the tough questions about euthanasia. If someone you loved was dying and suffering would you help them end their life? Does a person have the right to end their own life? I know this has been in the news a lot and is very controversial. I don't know how many states have laws governing this. I myself understand the right to end one's life. But don't look to me for help. Nope, I will kindly take the coward's way out. This was a very interesting read and recommeded.