Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Yesterday, after my workout and shower, I called my mother (on the landline) to disuss my Easter dress which had come in the mail on Monday and was too big. We were busy chatting away when the power went off and the phone went dead. We don't have a phone in our house that works without electricity. So, I thought I would get on the computer and send here a quick message to tell her what happened. Just as I was realizing that although the computer works without electricity the internet does not, my cell phone rang. Great! Mother and I finished our conversation. I decided I was about ready to leave to run a few errands. I heard some beeping outside and figured it was the recycle truck. I went into the garage and manually (have you ever had to do that before?) opened the garage door so I could extradite my car. There at the end of my driveway were no less than 7 men and 3 trucks and a front end loader. They were messing with the transformer (actually most of them were standing around). After some complaining on my part, (Do you think they could have rang the bell and informed me they were turning off my power?) they removed themselves from my driveway so that I could drive away. When I returned 2 hours later they were still at it. Luckily, they left soon after and I was able to microwave my lunch. The internet did not immediately come back on. The cable and the phone were okay, though, so I knew it was an internal problem. (Hubby had to walk through the house unplugging and replugging the power on all the routers, etc.) The spa did not take kindly to being turned off either, and refused to come back on. (It needs to be drained and cleaned and I was putting it off until Spring Break.) Well, at least my Sleep Number Bed remembered who it was and didn't deflate. Don't you love our dependence on electricity.