Sunday, March 04, 2007

Cell Phone Rant

Long Island Dad's article about Children and Cell Phone's and also his post about cell phone signs got me to thinking. And because this is my blog I think I will rant a bit.

In general, I do not like cell phones. I feel like they are a necessary evil and I am trying to learn to live with them (like traffic and vegetables). I do admit to having a cell phone and using it for such mundane things 1) finding out what the kids want for dinner and 2) locating my mother in Wal-Mart. But I am one of those people who use my cell phone for my convienence and not that of others. I generally, do not give out my number because you are not likely to reach me that way. My husband is very frustrated by this. I leave it in the car (often on the charger because I let the battery die.) When I am at work I do not keep it with me. In the house it is tucked inside my purse so I do not hear it ring. If I go somewhere and they ask me to turn it off (or to silence) I might take a week to remember to turn it back.

Because I feel so strongly about it, I practice not talking on my phone while driving. I believe that talking even handsfree can be dangerous. But Please do not hold the phone to your ear while trying to hold the steering wheel with the other. My kids are usually in the car with me. I don't want you to cause a traffic accident endangering their lives. I was behind a police officer doing this recently. (And no, don't shave or apply make-up, either!)

I am not going to chime in on cell phones and children. Our children are 6 & 8 and as of yet have no need for a cell phone. But did you know teens use text messaging to cheat in school?

I am going to talk about my biggest pet peeve. Do Not Talk To Me and On Your Phone at THE SAME TIME! People do this all the time in the customer service area I am a part of. I think it is so rude! I can wait until your cell conversation is finished to conduct business. Please, step aside and let me wait on someone else. I have important information to tell you and I am not going to compete for your attention. I have gotten over people walking around shopping while talking (afterall, I am guilty of this as well) I have gotten over people talking on the phone while dining (although, I think it is courteous to step away to a quiet corner). I have not yet gotten over rude people sharing their side of the cell conversation with everyone around them.

Have cell phones made our lives more convienent? Yes. Have they improved the quality of our lives? No, I don't think so.