Thursday, June 21, 2007

Presidential Visit

The President is visiting our lovely state today. He is flying in to Huntsville to visit the Browns Ferry Nuclear Facility. I'm not sure why. A reactor has been 'restarted' after a 22 year hiatus. Something about Bush promoting his stand on alternative fuels. The visit was only announced early in the week. He will not make a public appearance while in Huntsville. He is then scheduled to fly to Mobile for a political ($1000/plate) fundraiser for U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions. The President visits our fair state very seldom. In the past 30 years most presidential visits have been either hurricane related (touring the disaster area) or political (campaigning for himself and others). Our governor, Bob Riley, is out of the country and will miss the visit. Our mayor, Loretta Spencer, had to cancel a trip to be present. Some friends of mine last night mentioned trying to get near the airport for a view of Air Force One or the motorcade. I am sure the interstate and many secondary roads will be closed during the commute to the Nuclear Facility. (Which incidentally is in a remote, rural area of Limestone County.) I wouldn't hold much hope of getting a glimpse of the Chief but I wouldn't mind seeing the plane. I've always been fascinated by Air Force One. At any rate, I will be at work during the 2-3 hours of his visit and will not be inconvenienced by the traffic hold-ups. There will be protests held (with permits, of course) both in Huntsville and Mobile. Approval ratings here in Huntsville with our strong military presence is not high. We support our troops, but we are ready for them to come home.