Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Food Questions Meme

I saw this first on Crazy Dust in My Coffee.

1. Can you cook? If yes, do you like to cook? I suppose I can cook as well as the next person and this is to say I know the basics and can follow most recipes. I wouldn't mind taking a cooking class because I do enjoy cooking and would like to learn more techniques so I could tackle more difficult recipes.

2. When does the whole family come together to eat? I work a lot of evenings and usually my husband feeds the kids before I get home. When I am off work, I usually cook the evening meal and we all eat together.

3. What do you have for breakfast? If I'm going to work I'll have a WW muffin in the car. At home, with more time, I prefer cereal. Our favorite cereals include: Frosted Flakes, Cheerios, Captain Crunch, Rainsin Bran Crunch & Corn Pops.

4. When, How & Where do you eat throughout the week? Usually for lunch even if I am not working I'll have a frozen entree.

5. How often do you eat out? We usually eat supper out once a week, and I tend to eat out for lunch once every other week.

6. How often do you order in or get take-out? Usually, at least twice a week.

7. Re: #5 & #6 - If money were no object, would you eat out more often? No, it seems we eat out enough as it is.

8. Are there any standards that make a regular appearance at your table? Spaghetti and Breakfast (as the evening meal) are pretty regulars.

9. Have you ever tried a recipe from a blog? Yes, I tried the Fish With Pistaccios from Thinking About.

10. Are there any quarrells because of food? Yes, lots. I read recently that you needed to introduce a new food 8-10 times to children before they would eat it. I see the problem is that I give up long before we reach 8 times. I am definitely paying for being a picky eater as a child.

11. Are you a vegetarian or could you imagine becoming one? No. I am definitely a meat-eater though not as much red meat as my husband prefers. I am really a big chicken eater. I could not imagine giving it up. Especially, because frankly, I don't like a lot of vegetables.

12. What would you like to try that you haven't dared? I would like to go to a Chinese Buffet and try a lot of different things. My husband has only in the last year introduced me to Thai food and I am afraid to order something if I'm not sure what it is.

13. Would you rather cook or bake? Well, baking has the advantage of getting it ready and then going off somewhere else while it bakes. But I can't say I prefer either. I like easy things, though. I do not like to spend hours in the kitchen.

14. What was the most terrible mess you've ever made in the kitchen? Hmm? That one is hard. I've certainly burned a lot of things over the years. I guess mostly when I bake cakes or use the electric mixer I tend to make the biggest messes.

15. What do your kids like to eat best? J - chicken fingers (but not homemade). B - just about any pasta dish (especially if creamy). What would they never touch? Oh, the list is endless.

16. What do you dislike the most? I absolutely hate celery. And chicken livers.