Thursday, December 14, 2006

Alphabet Meme

Here is a fill in meme because I haven't had much to blog about this week:
(thanks to J at Thinking About...)

A. Available or Single? Married 12 years

B. Best Friend? My mother (check out her blog)

C. Cake or Pie? Cake, chocolate cake, pound cake, any cake.

D. Drink of Choice? Sierra Mist (cold) Suisse Mocha (hot)

E. Essential Item I use everyday? Deodorant

F. Favorite Color? Green

G. Gummy Bears or Worms? Bears

H. Hometown? Boaz, Alabama (don't tell anyone)

I. Indulgence? My hot tub.

J. January or February? I hate January. I always have that depression from holiday letdown. In February we have Valentine's Day and Crocuses (and hope for spring).

K. Kids and their Names?2 Kids - no names on the blog, please.

L. Life Is Incomplete Without? Chocolate

M. Marriage Date? November 19, 1994

N. Number of siblings - 2, a brother in Maryland and a sister (who I just found about 18 months ago. Perhaps I'll blog that story sometime.)

O. Oranges or Apples? Apples, definitely

P. Phobias/Fears? Falling down large hills on hard snow as in skiing.

Q. Favorite Quote: "But they that wait upon the Lord...Isaiah 40:31

R. Reason to Smile? Hearing my babies say "I love you".

S. Season? I love fall.

T. Tag 3 or 4 people. Do 3 or 4 people read my blog? Ok if you read this you should consider yourself tagged.

U. Unknown Fact About Me? My life is an open book. If there is something that remains unknown it should probably stay that way.

V. Vegetable you do not like? A better question would be name a vegetable I do like.

X. X-rays I've had? Well, chest, mouth, had an MRI once

Y. Your Favorite food? Chocolate

Z. Zodiac Sign? Sagitarius