Saturday, May 05, 2007

If You Had The Money...

I saw a post on blog I ran across called Everydayreading and thought this would make an interesting post.

You need to take some time and think about this: If you had unlimited funds, what are 5 things that you would spend gobs of money on? Then, what 5 things could you not see spending money on no matter how much you have. Sometimes hubby and I talk about this as a distant but still possible dream. Although, he wants enough money to live comfortably off the interest without working and I just want enough to do some things I dream about. Trust me when I say our lists would be very different.

So after much thought:
1) I would love to travel and travel in style. I've actually travelled very little in my life. I would love to go to Europe, especially Italy. I would like to have the time off work to do this for several weeks at a time with no rush. I would like to travel by air and rail in first class. I would love to stay in really, really nice hotels and be treated like royalty. Oh, and I want to go to one of those island resorts where everything is included and they provide your every need.

2) I would like to have the money to do some extensive remodeling in our house because I have about decided we will probably stay there barring any unforseen circumstances. But if I had unlimited funds I think I would have another house built from the ground up. It would be surrounded by a lot of land. It would not be extravagant but it would contain a lot of different things I long for: a theater room, a pool, a reading nook, built in shelves and lots of closets.

3) Food. Oh, Yeah! And someone to cook it for me perhaps. They just opened one of those Fresh Markets in our town and I think about whay the cook could prepare for me every night. Except of course the one or two nights we were eating out. We eat out a lot now, actually. But in my dream we would have a babysitter and we would eat out alone! And we would eat lots of good food while traveling. After all this I might need a personal trainer to lose all that extra weight.

4) Charity. I think I would give more money to my favorite causes. And then I would support every good cause that came my way. My favorite cause is Children's Miracle Network which supports our Children's Hospital here in Alabama. I also give money to my alma mater. MDA has recently become an important cause to me. I want be taken in by charities that are not doing what they claim. Check out before you give.

5) Books. You might think I spend a lot of money on books now. But I hold back some. I would need lots of bookshelves. I wouldn't have to give away the books anymore. I could have all the classics in one of those sets like this one.

What I wouldn't spend money on.
1) Even if I had gobs of money I would not spend it on clothes for myself. I just can't see spending money on something just because it has a designer label. Is it really worth the extra $100? I don't think so. I don't think I would want more clothes either. But I might pay someone else to do the laundry. And I especially wouldn't spend hundreds on designer purses and shoes.

2) I can't see spending extravagantly on my children. I read somewhere about how birthday parties had got out of hand, costing $5,ooo and up. I do not think it is a good idea to buy a 16 year-0ld a brand new sports car. Do they need the latest computer console? I think that if gets have extravagant taste they probably need a job.

3) Along with not spending money on clothes I cannot see spending it on appearances either. Where was I reading about someone getting a $400 haircut? Huh? I mean was it really that good a haircut? I'm not opposed to splurging on a spa trip once in a while but not endless treatments to make oneself feel beautiful. And plastic surgery? To make you look younger? I'll get back to you on that one. But to enhance the bosoms? NO WAY!

4) I don't think having more money would change my jewelry tastes either. I might own more than one watch at a time. But I am happy with my wedding set and a few nice necklaces and one pair of good earrings. I don't think if I had more I would necessarily wear more.

5) Politics. I think the political system in this country has gotten out of hand. Currently seated Congressman and Senators have to spend too much time fundraising and spend too little time actually governing. Why would I spend my money to get someone elected so they could spend their time in office raising more money? The amount of money candidates spend campaigning is obscene. I don't want any part of this madness.

Well, that was actually harder than I thought and may reveal more about myself than I intended. Anyway, give it a shot if you are interested.