Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

I wanted to do a Thursday Thirteen but couldn't think of an idea. I read all my favorite blogs and no one has posted one yet. So I'm gonna wing it. My hubby is going camping this weekend and perhaps because of poor planning my kids are spending Friday night at Grandma's. So I have all day Friday and Saturday to myself. I have had some time coming up with what to do, so here are some ideas.

13 Things To Do on My 3 Day Weekend

1. Watch a movie - Memoirs of a Geisha - done. It wasn't as good as the book.
2. Prepare my SS lesson - done.
3. Go visit Joy who just had a baby girl -done.
4. Get a haircut - done.
5. Go to my cousin Shane's wedding reception - done.
6. Eat - done.
7. Play StarWars II while kids are gone to Grandmas - done, done.
8. Exercise - done.
9. Nap - done.
10. Take kids out to brunch on Sunday - done, Cracker Barrell, very good.
11. Enjoy my clean house while kids are gone - done. House stayed clean until Sunday.
12. Do laundry (you just can't escape it!) done. Finished it all on Friday.
13. Eat some more - done.