Sunday, April 15, 2007

Five Things Meme

I got this one from my SIL at Road Rage.

1. What are five things that give you physical pleasure?
a. hubby
b. my hot tub
c. chocolate
d. holding my children
e naps

2. What are five things that immediately make you angry?
a. people driving while on the phone
b. people who write out checks in the check-out line
c. cashiers who do not greet you
d. when my children lie
e. being woken up unnecessarily from a nap

3. What are five things that make you automatically happy?
a. holding my hubby's hand
b. relaxing in my hot tub
c. reading a good book
d. seeing my children smile
e. a beautiful fall day

4. What are five things that make you instantly sad?
a. hearing about suicide bombers
b. my children's dissapointment
c. hearing of the death of a child
d. seeing my house a mess
e. a sad book or movie

Just for fun I added number 5. Cause shouldn't it have 5?
5. What are five things that make you gag?
a. celery
b. liver
c. smell of skunk
d. snails
e. road kill

I'm not tagging anyone. If you are interested than put it on your blog! If not, just don't.