Saturday, April 07, 2007


I just finished reading Queen of the Broken Hearts by Cassandra King. I had already read several of her books and had enjoyed them immensley. This new novel was good but not the thought-provoking, fully immersing novel that The Sunday Wife and The Same Sweet Girls were. Do you know how most novels (especially mysteries) have a story with a definite beginning and an ending where hopefully there is resolution of a problem (or solving of a crime)? Occasionally, I read a novel where the entire book is the chronicles of someone's life and maybe the character comes to a conclusion and a story is worked out or maybe not. East of Eden, although a really good book, is a good example of that. The story is the story, in otherwords. This book falls under that category.

I also recently read another Minette Walters novel, The Scold's Bridle. It was a murder mystery like most of her other novels. This one drug a bit and didn't really keep my attention well. It had a good mystery and I did not figure out 'Whodunnit' but it was not as compelling as what I have previously read including: The Dark Room, Acid Row, & The Scuptress.

I also read another Kinsey Milhone novel by Sue Grafton, D is for Deadbeat. I am really starting to enjoy these alphabet mysteries and look forward to reading through the entire alphabet. I believe she is already up to S.

I've got quite a few books to read on my shelf courtesy of I am going to try and read some classics that I have previously overlooked. I just started Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and so far it is really good. I'll tell you more later.