Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

As a twist on the Thursday Thirteen I decided to participate in Thankful Thursday. My Mother over at Bears in Exile has been doing this for some weeks.

I am thankful for:

1) The wonderful treatment I received at the doctor's office yesterday

2) Feeling Better today

3) B sitting in the bed with me last night reading One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

4) Hubby taking the time away from work to take me to the doctor

5) J actually answering with "Yes, Ma'am" yesterday

6) Schwann's man delivering unexpectedly Tuesday night

7) White Chocolate Macadamia Nut cookies from 6)

8) 301 Useless Facts that my husband is using to entertain us

9) My job where I actually had the option of calling in sick

10) Much needed Rain

11) Hot showers when you feel bad

12) The Hallmark Channel

13) Having another 3 day weekend.