Monday, February 26, 2007

Children of Men

I just finished reading P.D. James' Children of Men. I didn't enjoy it at all. It has just been made into a motion picture and it sounded interesting. Despite that it was only 241 pages long(although in a small font) it took me almost 4 days to read it (I read through East of Eden in 5). Several times I thought of giving it up but I thought surely the critics were not wrong and it would improve. My apologies to those of you who liked it. The premise is very original. The book was written in 1991 but is set in 2021. The last human child was born 25 years ago and the human race is in danger of extinction. Sounds interesting to you, too? The story is told both by diary entries by the main character and in third person. The main character spends pages and pages in profound and quite boring intellectual pondering. I kept waiting for the story to get interesting. But sadly, I was disappointed. Well, decide for yourself but I don't think I will attempt anymore of James' books.