Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Today is the first day of a 3 day-in-a-row workweek for me. (I know some of you work 5 days in a row. But please remember that I work 10 hour shifts and am not allowed to leave for lunch.) I have caught up on my blog reading and now must come up with something witty to blog about. (Tomorrow, I'll read all the magazines - what will I do on Thursday?)

"Today you will feel completely in control of your life and it will feel as though nothing can fluster you. This will be very useful as there is likely to be something of a crisis at school or in the workplace that will need your input. A positive aspect between the Moon and Saturn will allow you to cope with ease. "

This is my horoscope for today. The crisis could be that my previous employer (WM) has begged me to come back and offered me more money and better hours than I was making with them before. I am having a hard time with this decision. I hope the Moon and Saturn will help me out.

I read about this quiz called Weffriddles on Chichimama's blog and I am stumped. I only got to level 3. Someone help me out here.

I got several comments on my jeans blog. It seems at least 5 people are reading my blog. Wow!

I weighed in today and have lost a total of 9.2lbs. Yeah for me!