Friday, January 12, 2007

Jean's, Sneaker's, and Face Paint

I read this great post and all the comments that followed on BooMama's blog today. It was about blue jeans. In it she refers to being a southern girl. Now I am a southern girl (born & bred as they say) and I grew up in jeans. I love blue jeans. I remember my very first pair of designer jeans. I was in the 4th or 5th grade and they were Chic Jeans (does anyone know if they still make these?). I believe they were a size 7/8 or some ridiculous number like that. Later in high school and college I discovered Levi's. I wore jeans all the time in high school and college. I did not own anything else but dresses (which I reserved for church). I love Levis' because they come in LONG which I need. After 2 pregnancies and some serious weight gain and loss and gain and loss I no longer wear Levi's. Last year I discovered Gloria Vanderbilt. They have these wonderful stretch jeans and colored denim and I have about 6 pair. I wear the colored ones to work. I am definitely a jeans girl, though. I wear shorts in the summer but I do not own any capri's or other cute, dainty summer pants. I do own some dress pants but they require wearing dress shoes which I reserve for church or "dressy" events. That brings up another reason I wear jeans. My footwear of choice is sneaker's. I wear sneaker's to work and everywhere else but church. I own 4 pair of dress shoes (2 summer, 2 winter) and I've had one of them since high school. I own 2 pairs of sandals, two pair of casual footwear (boots) and at any given time several pairs of sneakers in various states of newness (I buy a new pair about once a year). So I am a female who owns only about 10 pairs of shoes.

And as long as I am confessing to my lack of qualifications to be a girl. Let me say I don't wear make-up anymore. I wore it when I was younger but somewhere after the 2nd child I gave up. It isn't really that I don't like it or that I have any objection to it. The truth is I am just a bit lazy and hated the whole process of putting on and then taking off again. I have learned to accept my make-up less self (and I think my husband has, too. We kind of compromised. I quit wearing make-up and he quit shaving.) and am quite comfortable with it. So between my wash-and-go hair (no blow-drying), no make-up, and limited wardrobe I can be out the door in under 30 minutes (not counting getting children ready). There aren't really that many people out there like me I've found. My salt of the earth, truck-driving sis-in-law even wears make-up.

So, more than you really wanted to know, right?