Friday, July 27, 2007

Way Back Machine

Yesterday I took the kids to Chuck E Cheese for an hour (they managed to redeem 50 tokens a piece in that time) after lunch. I ran in to someone from high school. This girl was not someone I was good friends with but probably one of the more popular girls. I didn't recognize her and it even took a few seconds after she said her name for me to make the connection. The years and pounds had changed her quite a lot. Her husband (also a classmate) looked more familiar but I'm not sure I could have placed him, either, without help. I live about 70 miles from my old high school and have had very few opportunites in the last 18 years to run into anyone. They still lived in the area and had a son who played ball. So she spent a few minutes telling me of various classmates who still resided in the area and what everyone was up to. It wasn't a large class (about 90 graduates) but most of her friends were not my friends and although the names were familiar they were people I hadn't given much thought to in a long time. It was kind of fun to talk for a few minutes and we talked about the possibilities for a reunion in another two years. I didn't hear about my 10 year reunion until after the fact and I think I would like to attend the 20 year if only to see some old friends. I am told by some friends of mine that at the 20 year reunion everyone is pretty much over themselves and the old bitterness and rivalries are long forgotten in the commonalities of growing old and having children. Now I am ready to dig out my senior year book and take a stroll down memory lane.