Friday, July 13, 2007

Mists of Avalon

I just (finally) finished reading Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. (This was another book on that infamous list of 100 Books everyone should read or whatever that circulated in blogland a few months back. I don't know what the source is but the list leaves something to be desired. Nonetheless, my goal-oriented personality has compelled me to become well-read and tackle more of the books on the list.) This book certainly qualifies as an epic tale with over 800 pages. (And not the large type or mostly dialogue either like the Harry Potter books. This book was a chunkster!) It took me over a week to read it as I was unable to even read 100 pages per day. I don't think I can recommend it to anyone so you might not want to read any further. But here I go anyway.

Mists is a different take on the tales of King Arthur and Camelot. The central character is a female, Morgaine, priestess of Avalon. The love triangle (or square really) between the characters is a bit scandolous. The storyline tramples somewhat on my Christian sensibilities, too. But overall it was a good book. I became totally immersed in the story as I sometims do with stories set in another time period. I believe the same story could have been told (and told well) in about 3 or 4oo fewer pages, though. But at least I have crossed another book off that darn list!