Thursday, July 12, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen things I miss in the summer
(or Thirteen things I love about winter)

1. Big comfy Sweatshirts
2. Hot drinks on cold afternoons
3. Relaxing in my hot tub
4. Chili (although I have been known to eat it year round)
5. Boots
6. Snuggling under multiple quilts
7. Short days (ie the sun coming up at a decent hour and having the decency to "set already"
8. Blue jeans
9. Pecan Pie
10. Cute sweaters
11. Snow (yeah, like it ever snows here. But it could.)
12. New episodes of favorite shows
13. Woodburning fireplaces or heaters

Edit: Friday afternoon I was able to experience a little winter at the skating rink, complete with a gas fireplace. If only I had a warm drink.