Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Yesterday I had a very busy day. First a few hours helping out at my old job and then sped across town to the library for my book club. I was home long enough to grab some lunch before time to pick up the kids. Last night we had our first PTA meeting.

I am really excited about PTA and the new school and my place in it. I never really felt like I belonged at the old school (despite how well my children seemed to like it). Most of the mothers were of the SAHM variety and had been together since Kindergarten. They were not unfriendly but not really warm, either. I did okay in preschool with B. But my son's class seemed to already be formed into mom-clicks and I never found one where I belonged. I grew discouraged and gave up. I'm not trying to say it was all their fault. I know I should have made a bigger effort to assimilate.

So this year I am not going to sit back and feel left out. I am going to volunteer and get involved. I am going to meet parents and (hopefully) go on some field trips. I'm going to find a place where I fit.