Monday, September 25, 2006

Jane Eyre

I just finished reading Jane Eyre.

Although I do not commonly employ the phrase, I am somewhat of a "bookaholic". What I mean is that I read a lot. I read almost exclusively fiction from several genres. I average a little better than a book a week or about 60-70 books a year. (I know what you are thinking, "How does she have time?"). I read faster than the average person and I steal time to read when others are just sitting. I read sitting in the car in the morning in the interim between dropping kids off at school and going in to work. I read during my lunch break. I read while waiting (in car line, for appointments, on people, etc). I read at least 30 minutes before retiring at night. It is a hobby that is easily portable (unlike the majority of my husband's hobbies). If you think about it you can make time for the things you enjoy.

I do spend a lot of money on books. Mostly, this is because I have a few authors that I enjoy so much that I must buy their books new and in hardback. I swap books with my mother who also reads alot. I donate a lot of books to the library. I keep very few of the books I read because I do not have the space.

Recently, I have been rereading a few books I have enjoyed. (This is necessary when I run out of new books.) I just finished reading Jane Eyre again. I don't think I have read it since high school. I don't read very many classics. Just because something is old and widely read does not make it is a good book. I require entertainment in my reading. I want to be enthralled. Mostly, I want to escape from my life to someone eles's for a little while. Jane Eyre was written over 150 years ago. It remains still a very good read. It is a romance but without all the trappings of romances on today's market. It is a mystery. It is the story of courage. I cannot imagine that something written today would still be read in 150 years. (I am not sure I can imagine that people will be reading in 150 years.)

I am now rereading White Fang. I am waiting on a shipment from Amazon. I am going on vacation in a few weeks and I plan to read the new Butch Karp book as well as the new John Grisham due out in October.