Monday, September 25, 2006


Football season is in full swing. I am a serious college football fan. Or rather a serious Auburn Tiger football fan. My husband however, is not. He and I graduated from the same college but he practices passive indifference to the scores, stats & polls. He will occasionally watch a game with me if he is in the room but that is the extent of it.

Football in the Deep South is serious business. I grew up with one of the fierces rivalries known in NCAA football. My father graduated from Auburn, also and raised my brother and I with a fierce loyalty. We were children in the 1970's when Auburn's cross-state rival was the powerhouse and being an Auburn fan was out of vogue. Being ridiculed as a child for supporting something I didn't then understand made a lasting impression. I detest people who waver their support for whoever is winning. There have been some tough years to be an Auburn Tiger (probation, losing seasons) and I have stayed with them through it all. I will always remain loyal.

That being said it is still glorious to see (or hear) them win. Warrrr Eagle!!!!