Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Harry Potter

Have you been to see the new movie yet? Our children aren't quite big enough for this one (although they enjoyed the first two on DVD) so we will have to wait for the opportunity to go alone. The big news to Potter fans of course is the upcoming release of the new book. Are you going out to purchase it at midnight? A number of bookstores in our area (and across the nation, I imagine) are having Harry parties leading up to the release at midnight. When the two previous books were released I had to work at Wal-Mart on that Saturday morning and so purchased them when I arrived at work. I read through the last one in only a couple of days. Because, although it is quite a long book page-wise it was really a quick read. I am considering not purchasing the new book until I get to work Monday morning. I don't think I have to be among the first to read the already best seller (based on presales) but I do not like hearing people discuss the book (or indeed, a movie I haven't seen) before I've had the chance to read it. This morning the radio dj's were discussing the upcoming book with call-in listeners and there is a lot of speculation.

Do I think the Harry Potter craze is a little crazy? Well, yeah. But they are good books. The fantasy world Rowlings has created is fascinating and the books easy to read. I am looking forward to reading the new one (and will mourn the end (if it is the end) of the series) but may have to stay away from blogland until I'm finished.