Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Football at Work

I just saw on the web that the Auburn vs. Alabama football game will be played at 2:30pm. I was really hoping for a late game because I have to work that day. For the last 12 years the game has been played on the Saturday before Thanksgiving and I have had my choice of working the Saturday before and not watching the game or missing out on family gatherings after Thanksgiving. Most years I have chosen (or it has been chosen for me) to work. (See, I do have my priorities straight.) Most years I have been lucky and the game was at night. That is not to be the case this year.

Until last year I was able to listen to Saturdays games while at work on the radio. I even listen to them on the radio while watching the broadcast games on T.V. I enjoy the Auburn announcers. Starting last year there was no FM station in our area carrying the games.(I know, it is hard to believe.) For an annual fee you can listen over the internet and that is what I chose to do. However, my previous job at WM did not allow for internet use and I was not able to listen to those games while I was at work.

Well, let me remind you that I am a serious Dye-hard Auburn fan. I could not work idly by and not know what was going on during the biggest game of the season. So my grandfather loaned me his portable television. (Not a modern version, either) . Now this sounds good until you remember that there is no Cable Television at WM, either. So with some coat hangers, aluminum foil and wire I was able to rig up an antennae and actually kept up with the score (although the picture was very poor). I would have enjoyed Auburn's win more if not for those pesky customers.

(This reminds me of 1990 when I had to listen at work and listen to the Alabmama announcers and my team lost.)

So this year like several other games this year I will be listening on the internet. We do have a television in the lobby here but no cable so I'm not sure that will be any help. My husband has often suggested I Tivo the game and watch it later. This is the way we watch most of the F1 races (most are broadcast really early). However, I would not enjoy it as much if I knew the score and I cannot handle not knowing the score when it is over. I might Tivo this one anyway just to watch the highlights.

Just a side note: I read somewhere that the game might be moved starting next year back to Thanksgiving weekend. I think this is super for two reasons: 1) I don't have to choose between family and the game and 2)it would leave two weeks between the Georgia and Alabama games. However, I might have to choose between watching the game with my Alabama fan in-laws or safe at home.